Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Three Women

Photos: (top) Erin and my son, Nathan with grandson, Cormac. Little Cian was to be born a few months later. (Bottom) Sarah and my son, Matthew with granddaughters, Paisly, Zella and twins, Kasia & Isamae.


LuLu-ism #27: Family, God's lesson in love... and peanut butter hand prints on your patio doors.

I’m late in posting, I know. Good thing I’m not getting paid for blogging, huh? Just think of it like your trash pick up. I don’t know about your area, but when holidays happen, our garbage man comes a day late.

Labor Day was such fun around the Cleveland household. Grandchildren and children filled the house and yard with beautiful noise and lots of activity. My kitchen floor is sticking to my feet this morning and there are not clean towels to be had. But such is love.

One of my favorite memories of the weekend, of course, has to do with LuLu. My daughters-in-law are into jogging these days. So, LuLu and I tagged along Monday morning for a six-mile jog/bike ride. Here in the North, fall has arrived, and on that morning was this cool, crisp light air that made all three us of think we could probably jog further and bike further than we really could. So off we went.

I love these young women. Both of them have blessed and added to this family beauty, grace, and fun. They are part of my reward for having to raise boys. God had mercy on me and one day said, “She’s done enough, let’s reward her for all the burping and tooting at the dinner table she had to endure all those years.” Thus, I have Sarah and Erin.

So, they’re running. I’m biking. We talked and encouraged and kept moving. Sometimes, I’d let the downside of a little hill take me ahead of them a bit, and stand on my pedals to allow the Cowgirl some breathing room. Then, every once in a while, Sarah would dart out in front in a fast jog to stretch out her legs (she’s been jogging seriously for over a year), and, Erin, who just had her second baby a few months ago, kept a steady pace and was determined to make this run her personal best.

Simple. Three women. Laughter. Quiet Talk. A family. It is these moments that color my life with a brilliance I don’t deserve, never expected, but am so honored, touched, and humbled to be experiencing.

I hope your day was as joy-filled.



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