Monday, December 12, 2011

Joy to the World- Part Three


LuLu-ism # 40: Ever sit at the 'kids table' with your cousins and giggle so much that milk came out your nose? Ain't nothing like family.

Family is one of the main focuses of the Christmas season. Once we become the adult responsible for all that Christmas joy, the pressure is on to make everything just right. We want our children to appreciate what we give them and our parents to appreciate who we are. We want the gathering of the clan to be pleasant and as Hallmark-esque as possible. An unrealistic goal for sure, but short of a miracle, how can we bring this about?

Simple. Over-look what people really don't mean. Think of Aunt Sally's comments on the dry turkey and tacky tablecloth as much a family tradition as mistletoe and holly. Accept some things as fact and then relax about them. Your children may not appear to be very thankful as they rip open their presents, but when the wrapping paper dust settles, you'll get your hug.

Remember family are people too. They come with flaws and favors just like your friends. They are the people who have known you all your life. Aunts who once held you on their laps; Uncles who taught you how to fish; Cousins with whom you shared secrets; Fathers who worked long hours just to feed you; Mothers who gave up all to sing you to sleep; and children who depend on you. Your family members may not know you as well as you'd like them too, but are there any better people on this earth who should?

Family. They are your strength, conscience, comfort and sometimes your biggest challenge. Over-look them. Accept them. Love them. It's the only way to go.



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