Hurray! Picture me doing a little happy dance. This morning I completed Section Five of MAN FROM MACEDONIA. Tomorrow, I will begin the Sixth and LAST section of the book. What a journey it has been so far. In June, I will have been working on this book for three years. I can see actually light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. I told a writer friend not long ago that if I even hint at writing another biography that she had my permission to slap me silly! Unless of course, George W calls in need of a biographer, or Tom Selleck. Just kidding.
Section Six will reveal the scandal that cost Secretary Johnson his job and his very public resignation. It will contain the chapter that gives the book its title. And, there will be stories of how Aaron crosses paths with Charles Colson with an offer he simply couldn't refuse. I look forward to rolling up my sleeves and wrestling with the words that will complete Aaron’s story.
I also discovered something today. I need to quit talking so much. After I did my happy dance, I decided I needed a little break before I continued my afternoon writing schedule. We live out in the country, and the road our house sits on only has about ten houses spackled spaciously along it. It’s a beautiful little, narrow road. It's quiet, and the only traffic on it is the ten folks who live on it. It’s perfect to walk along to take in nature. A herd of bison is fenced along a few acres of the road. It’s not surprising to see deer crossing back and forth at their leisure. Hawks fly over head, and bunnies, pheasant, and an occasional fox sometime keep me company. I have dubbed this stretch of wildflower-bordered road, my Prayer Road. I have walked down this road many times with a prayer on my heart and a burden to unload. I even have been known to pray out loud as I walk. Why not? I may look crazy, like I’m talking to myself, but I know Whose ear I have and He’s listening.
Well today on my Prayer Road, I brought MAN OF MACEDONIA to God and thanked him for the past three years He’s allowed me to write on this project. I thanked Him for Aaron’s life, and for the honor of chronicling his experiences. But then, I did something I haven’t done in a while… I stopped talking and just listened. I have to decide how to approach this last section. It’s the climax of the story… the pay off for the reader. I’m feeling pressure to write it in such a way that honors not only Aaron’s life, but also God’s faithfulness to Aaron and to the rest of us struggling to give God glory in all that we do. And you know what? God whispered. Had I been talking the whole time, I would have missed it.
My challenge to you is to find your own Prayer Road. It may not be a road at all, but some place that beckons you to be still and listen. God just might have something He wants to say… and that you need to hear.
Blessings, friend.
Deb, welcome to the blogosphere! Congrats on seeing the light at the end of the tunnel on your latest writing project, too. :)
(PS: your Prayer Road looks LOVELY!)
Thanks for dropping by, Jess. Let's try and do lunch this summer...
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