Thursday, March 22, 2012


PHOTO: Spring around our pond.


LuLu-ism # 48: Waiting for bad news is always a bad idea. Don’t wait on it. Meet it head on. Scare the snot out of it. Make it turn tail and run. I’m just saying…

So… on Tuesday I waited. Once Gary was done with his PET scan and his blood work, we had time to kill before the appointment with our oncologist. If you’ve never been to Mayo, it’s hard to explain the place, but underneath all the ‘healing parts of the clinic’ is an underground walking subway. Restaurants, art galleries, dress shops, drug stores, etc., line the tunnel system. So, we walked through that and then came up to ground level and spent a whole lot of time in Barnes & Noble. Not a typical one by any means. This one is set up in an old theater and is just fun to mosey around in. We ate a late lunch at Mac’s, the best gyros on the planet and then back underground we went.

Two o’clock found us on the ninth floor sitting in front of the huge plate glass windows overlooking the city. We held hands, read, prayed our own silent prayers, and allowed our minds to wrap themselves around what was coming… the verdict.

A little after three o’clock, Gary’s buzzer went off and it was our turn. Waiting for our doctor to enter the exam room is always the worst part for me. I stop my leg from bouncing. I squeeze Gary’s hand like a vice grip. I want to be any place but where I am. And then the doc finally enters the room…

His smile gives it away. No cancer. Gary is either in remission or cancer-free. I don’t care what they want to call it. All I know it that God has been merciful. His limitless power and love have given us a reprieve. We are good to go for the next three months… until the next PET scan.

But I’m not going to think about that now. We’re going to have a cancer-less spring. We are going to enjoy the falling away of brown winter and applaud the fresh green sprigs itching to show off for us. Come on mama robins, lay those little blue eyes for us. Come on daffodils and tulips, show us your dancing shoes. Crab apples, willows, and lilacs let’s see those sweet buds. Let’s celebrate. Let’s dance. Let’s tilt our heads back and stretch out our arms and laugh and twirl and enjoy life…

Hey, LuLu, how about a ride down the road? You game?


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