Tuesday, July 31, 2012



Well, after two weeks at Wisconsin Christian Youth Camp I’m home sleeping in my own bed. While I love camp, I hate their beds, they are either squishy with absolutely no support, or they are saggy and they keep sagging until the unfortunate person sleeping on the bottom bunk begins to fear for his or her life. Nonetheless, it was a beautiful time, one I will cherish for many months to come.
Now to LuLu. Not happy with me, she is. Vengeance is mine saith the pink bike. My first ride in two weeks started out pleasant enough. Here I am enjoying the wind in my hair, corn stalks all around (our farmers have been spared the dry devastation of some), and the sighting of small woodland creatures when all of a sudden, LuLu’s claws come out—that cushy bike seat the size of Montana morphs into a biting ball of barbed wire. LuLu cackles and whispers, “Leave me for two weeks, will ya?”
No fooling. My *Cowgirl was very uncomfortable to say the least. It’s amazing how quickly you’re booted back to Day One when you’ve gotten out of practice. All the time built up getting use to that bike seat and finding some comfort—all gone. Half the ride found me standing on the pedals.
Beginning again is where I find myself, not only with my pal, LuLu, but in other areas of my life as well. Camp is a place where I’m made to realize how lax I’ve gotten in some disciplines. What happened to my determination to spend some quiet time each morning reading scripture, praying and meditating? Where once I was measuring out my food and keeping a food diary, I’m now woofing food in my mouth mindlessly without regard to portions. My resolve to exercise everyday of the week has dwindled down to a couple of mornings… maybe.
It is so much easier to continue than to re-start, but re-start I shall. Everything worth doing is worth doing. So, buck up *Cowgirl we’re hitting the road!
LuLu smiles and says, “Welcome home.”


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